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Opt for a session of Reprogramming
Live, remotely, in order to release a blockage, modify your beliefs, your operating patterns, your habits, etc. Come with a goal like "I want to free myself from [...]" or simply with your problem and we'll solve it together.
From 72€
From Theory to Reality
A true companion which guides you in the concretization of these experiences of which you really dream, not in theory, but in practice. That is to say, by having the results on a daily basis, feeling truly happy, satisfied AND fulfilled, personally.
⇒ French
The Power of Words: a secret
to success in relationships
To live more in harmony your professional or personal relationships... To finish with the disagreeable conversations and to finally understand how to enjoy healthy and serene relations.
⇒ French
La Chronique Alineon,
by Aline Dalbiez
Following the success of her first book, Aline Dalbiez launched The Alineon Chronicle to reveal to the public how to amplify their success, satisfaction and autonomy towards life.
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REPRÔG : Take back control of your life!
You can now stop having regrets, get more in less efforts. All this in a sustainable way and in a record time thanks to this revolutionary online programme. You will be guided in a fully tailored journey based on your own desires.
Price up to you
The Road to Happiness:
Women's wisdom on...
This bestseller encourages you to embrace your own travels and change your life in unexpected ways. The authors take you on the road to true happiness that lies within by sharing their wisdom and love. Take a sip of your Margarita and off you go!
The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill - Ultimate Test
Entirely based on the original non-watered-down 1925 version. Take this test and your self-perception will change. Tomorrow you will do things that you have never done before, and you will stop doing other things that you did unnecessarily.
Online test...
10 questions to test
your relationship skills
Answer the few test questions with spontaneity and honesty. You will discover where you really are, and where to start to improve your everyday life.
⇒ French
Online test...
7 questions to test
your financial intelligence
Answer the few test questions with spontaneity and honesty. You will discover your main profile in terms of money and your basic behaviors to benefit from or to improve, based on recent research in development of human abilities.
⇒ French
Online test...
Free yourself from your
Emotional Reactions of Unconscious Protection
All your apparently incoherent reactions are however well founded... They protect you, but from what?! Find this out in this recording, which explains everything to you in details with real illustrated examples.
⇒ French
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Conference Replay - 18Juin19 : Recognition Intelligence
With a few examples and cognitions, Aline Dalbiez makes us explore the unexpected effects of real human functioning when dealing with the need for recognition, and how to BE the one who resets his wheel into motion instead of suffering.
⇒ French
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Conference Replay - 23Mai19 : How to BE at Work?
At an extraordinary time of confrontations of social networks, themes of emotional intelligence or well-being at work, and a need for increased performance to cope with accelerating markets... Aline Dalbiez invites you to rediscover where stands the place to be human.
⇒ French
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Conference Replay - 28Mar19 : ONE WORD is enough!
A word to get out of your paradox and rediscover how life can be great, one word to change others, to change your field of perception and transform your life, to find your "thing", to live what you TRULY want.
⇒ French
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Come with your challenges,
leave with your solutions
During this day of transformation, Aline Dalbiez reveals how her method has transformed her life to succeed the unthinkable, and how to transform yours by the best and shortest way.
⇒ French
Free yourself from your
unconscious programs
Take back the commands: never again be the helpless victim of your E.R.U.P.s, create your own hooks to master your thoughts, take action with the certainty of success.
⇒ French
Free eBook...
Conference Replay - 23Juil17 : Your next Trophy
Aline Dalbiez's outstanding and powerful speech for a worldwide conference, held at the Hyatt Regency of Montreal, where she invites you to find out what will be your next most incredible trophy, and your very first step on the journey to achieve it.
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CENTEURO : Program of Financial Tranquillity
Whatever the amount, some are "tranquille" financially, while others are stressed out or preoccupied... Have you ever wanted to know the reason(s) of true financial tranquillity? Research tells you more.
⇒ French
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The Recipe for Psychological
Safety at Work
Powerful and productive relationships, Highly successful meetings, Records of effective collaborative work, Stop suffering and start to thrive at work, Receive recognition...
Paper or free eBook...