REPRÔG™ - The Technological Revolution of Human Development

You have three options.

The choice is yours.
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Find out more about your options below


The book Reprogrammez-Vous

In French so far.
Available directly, from Fnac and on Amazon.

At your fingertips, just for you, a real transformation mini-programme to help you make the changes you're hoping for - in record time. Find out more and read readers' comments.
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➤ Find out more You'll be amazed.

For an autograph, please contact me.
21.10€ TTC

Reprogramming Sessions

Available in French and English.
Live with me, remotely, these reprogramming sessions enable you to free yourself from any blockage, change your beliefs, your operating patterns, habits, etc. Come with a goal like "I want to free myself from [...]" or simply with your problem and we'll solve it together.
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Take advantage of the introductory rate:
72€/1h ou 90€/1h30 TTC

The REPRÔG Programme

In French so far.
Now you can stop regretting, achieve more with less effort, and reprogram your people skills to suit your preferences. All in record time and in a sustainable way, thanks to this tailor-made online programme. You'll be guided for 3 months, tailored to your own needs and objectives.
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➤ Find out more or contact me to take stock.

A choice of three packages:
From 900€ TTC

Make your mind up

Time passes and the patterns repeat themselves unnecessarily.
Don't hesitate, contact me.

I'm passionate about the way we function, and I love answering questions and having a chat.

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